You Are My Sunburn
By: Ben Ohmart

You are my sunburn. My only Whoa. You're red.Ow.
Let me spread some stuff.
Great. I'm out.
Here. Got some.
Mmmm you have beautiful skin.
All right.
I'm serious! Why do you think redheads have whiter skin than others? Or do you think it's a reaction of colors. You have bright red and so when your skin compares
I don't know. Look thanks. I appreciate it.
I'm David? I'm David. I've seen you here.
I've seen you here seeing me. I'd appreciate it if you could look somewhere else for a change.
How can I do that when you're the most beautiful thing on the sand?
I'm a thing.
You know what I mean.
Can you get your hand off? I don't burn there. That's the Point of material. Protection?
I have protection, baby...
Oh God. You're not real.
You're right. I'm not. Hi. I'm Mark. I'm a friend of your dad's. He wanted me to look you up. He wanted me to take a little well, that is make sure you're all right.
Why shouldn't I be?
Well you know daughter of a celebrity. You'd be surprised the lengths some people go. They like a person. There is no sky. There is no limit. You have all the Who's Who and the phone books. You can get CDs with everyone's phone numbers on them. Via computer there's unlimited access. Then suddenly there are these people finding out about Derek's family. You. Where you live. They ask around. And you know.
I know. I don't like eyes. I'm 26.
Good! How about the rest?
Well I mean you're fine. Actually. I think you're short changing yourself. You're not 26. 32. At the least. Come on.
How do you know my father?
I think he's the greatest.
Uh huh.
You remember that one movie
Yeah. Look. The guy at the life guard hut we've been out a few times. All I have to do is yell. Go.
Can I have your autograph? What I'd really like is your top? Do you think? Yeah? How much?