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Here Comes Everybody Once More With Feeling (Four songs from...)(Self Released) By: Alex Steininger
 Here Comes Everyone is a man and wife duo from Portland, Oregon. Accompanying them on their debut CD, ONCE MORE WITH FEELING, are twelve different musicians, including former members. They blend soft pop with a heavy jazz feel."Holier Than Thou" starts off a four song sampler of material from their debut CD. The song is very catchy. The first time I listened to it I didn't care for it much. But for some reason the chorus popped up in my head at very times, so I gave it another listen. Each time I listened to it, it grew on me more and more. The song is a soft-pop song with a jazzy touch to it. It has plenty of hooks, and a very addictive feel to it. The lyrics aren't the best, but such phrases as "I am 'Holier Than Thou,' I say it because I can, I say it because I am" start to get very repeatable at time. "Ba Ba" doesn't have the addictive-ness "Holier Than Thou" does. It's a pop-jazz number that is dull and boring. "The Love Thing" is a jazzy number you can just imagine playing as you walk into a smoky club. The jazz portion of the song is very relaxing, and enjoyable. The pop side of everything is what keeps your mind attentive and keeps you coming back for more. Overall, another enjoyable song. And the final cut on this four song sampler is "You Don't Know Your Mom." The fastest track on the tape, they keep it very upbeat, and give it a more of a rock edge, dropping all possible ties with their jazz side. It doesn't work, because the song is once again dull and boring. They try to keep your attention, but it just doesn't work. If these four songs are any indication of the whole tone of the CD, I'd have to say the CD is about a C+. The songs fluctuate heavily between enjoyable and dull. When they get your attention, they keep it. But when they don't have your attention, it's because they're not very attentive themselves. "Holier Than Thou" shows a lot of potential, but tracks like "Ba Ba" shows what can happen if you over estimate your own potential.
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