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Bloom "Only Your Eyes" b/w "Every Day" [7" single] (Pop The Balloon -- B.P.7042, 69343 Lyon Cedex 07, France) By: Gary "Pig" Gold
 Here's more ringing examples that that beast once and forever known as Pop is alive, well, and yes, jangling, even in the oddest and most cholesterol-soaked of nations. For from far-flung France comes this utterly delightful record by the artist still known as Bloom, who seems to have, on the mere B-side especially, filtered all the expected 1965 signposts through one charmingly (albeit pretty darn transistorized) wash of bongs, chimes and - this is France, remember - accordions. The result? Two three-minute bursts of breeze-with-a-beat that could very well become all the rage again even over here in nations that don't happen to worship Dino's ex. (and just to drive the stake home, this single comes housed in a nice glossy Euro-sleeve reproduction of Roy Lichtenstein's "Crying Girl". Vive le roi! )
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