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The Barnyard Playboys Corn Dog Love (Rubric Records) By: Mark A. Lawrence the IV
I was drinkin' a six pack of tall boys in the back when I heard these fellas for the first time. These are damn funny songs, I near swallowed a big cheek of chaw, and talk of a damn waste that would have been. The Barnyard Playboys sure weren't given the voices for a church choir, but thank goodness the truck stops and honky tonks aren't as picky. Who cares any how, they can play their geetars and drums good enough to get feet tappin' and after the tall boys and a few tugs off my whiskey, it don't matter anyway. My one worry is these boys don't tell the truth on "Alligator Song," cause I once had a gator crawl out of my septic tank and bight my wife's little FiFi in half and it didn't act at all the way they said. No matter, I got me a sharp pair of new boot and don't tell the old lady but that dog is better off. I usually rate these things by the six pack standard, for which I give it a four out of six but they want me to use this new fandagled letter system so I give it a rating of a C+.
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