The Black Tape (Self Released)
By: Alex Steininger

Hot out of Portland is the four-piece band Nicotine. With a great three song tape currently being circulated, indie labels and major labels alike have to be on the tail of these guys!Nicotine, the band, is as addictive as the substance itself, if not more addictive! Nicotine combines catchy guitar hooks, tremendous bass lines, and the hard hitting drums to form their own version of modern day pop rock.
The three outstanding songs on this tape make you crave more and more! After side one is done, your bound to flip it over and listen to side 2 (side one repeated.) Sean Brazie does a great job on vocals and guitar, as does Jesse King on guitar and vocals. Jim Swanson "smokes" it up on the bass, and Rich Crouch pounds away with talent on the drums.
"The Way I Feel Today" starts out with a very addictive guitar riff (which continues throughout the song) and then the vocals and the rest of the instruments come on. A very addictive song, but what song on the tape isn't? Then comes "Letters from the Dead." My personal favorite on the tape. Very addictive. It starts out very soft with a guitar and the vocals. Then after about twenty seconds the drums and bass enters. From there you can't stop! If you hear it once, you will most likely get it stuck in your head. Then the last song on the tape is "Yew." A very good song, just like the rest! It starts off with some straight forward rock, and then some very catchy guitar riffs steal the show, and then vocals come in and everyone starts to rock in the background. Nicotine smokes up everything!
Nicotine is a very talented, up and coming band. Check out their tape if you can. You are probably asking, how can I get my hands on one of these tapes? You can contact their manager Stephanie King at:
Stephanie King
6526 NE 23rd Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 284-6650
or you can e-mail the band at: [email protected]
I recommend this tape, so go contact them and get one!!!!