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Koncept Project: Ambershine (Koncept/Fundamentals) By: Paul Stone
 Half of the group the Fundamentals (of the bay area crew, Kemetic Suns) is the M.C. known as King Koncepts. "Project : Ambershine", Koncept's first solo album, is the third brilliant installment from the Fundamentals.The production, as usual, is extremely nice, with lyrics to match. There is a good variety of music from mellow grooves to hard-hitting beats, and even combinations of the two. Lyrically, Koncepts holds nothing back and, as expected, lets everyone know exactly what's on his mind. Mature reasoning is provided to back up viewpoints on subjects like police harassment, the decay of Hip Hop, and the lack of creativity world wide on tracks like "We and Dem" and "Present Tense(remix)". To put it bluntly, GO GET A COPY. Any fan of Kemetic Suns, or of Hip Hop in top form, will appreciate this tape. ORDERING INFORMATION: Kemetic Suns West c/o B. Sweet 601 Prague St. San Francisco, Ca. 94112 Make all checks or money orders out to Bret Sweet Also, here's our website, which should shortly be maintained by Sandbox Automatic: http://pages.nyu.edu/~jms2196/index23.html Tapes are different prices, but Ambershine is $7.
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