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New Bomb Turks Nightmare Scenario (Epitaph) By: Alex Steininger

Shit kicking, high-octane punk rock that will roll over you just as soon as look at you. I mean, this is the shit that you put on when you want aggressive, punchy punk that just doesn't give a shit and isn't afraid to step on a few toes in the name of good ol' fun.New Bomb Turks' latest, Nightmare Scenario, is aptly titled. If you've ever had a nightmare you just couldn't make sense of, New Bomb Turks will put music to it, and scare the shit out of you in the process, making everything that much clearer. "Point A To Point Blank," "End of the Great Credibility Race," "Too Much, "Killer's Kiss," "The Roof," and "Wine & Depression," to name a few, will knock your socks off, make you sweat, and get your blood pumping, if it does anything at all. Kick back with a beer or two, welcome the nightmares, and start the party (and plan to stay up to the wee hours of the morning). When the New Bomb Turks take over, they won't let go until you either drop dead or cave in and proclaim them your new gods. I'll give this album an A-.
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