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Cole Marquis Treasure Island Serenade (Amazing Grease) By: Alex Steininger

Cole writes some of the softest, darkest pop songs you'll ever here. Tenderly crafted, emotionally driven, and always honest, his slow, throbbing songs will either leave you in tears or allow you to walk away with a smile on your face, as you realize you've connected with someone out there that feels the same way you do.Definitely not gloom, but not exactly happy, either, Cole's lyrics are stripped away, exposed, and real. So are his pop melodies. They're not boosted up, injected with sugar, and shoved in your face. He tucks them underneath everything else, allowing you the option to ignore them and just soak up the darkness, or the chance to tear away the layers and nibble on the hooks. Both, of course, are equally important in his music, and equally enjoyable. One of the most underrated tunesmiths out there, Cole is a bright, crafty singer-songwriter with an album worth of stand out material. One of the best albums of the year, by far. I'll give it an A+.
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