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324 Boutokunotaiyo / Soul Winter 7" (Boredom Noise) By: Jeb Branin
 The Crass Menagerie gets more promo CDs sent in than a sane person could possible figure out what to do with. As a result I almost never pay real money for music (other than oddball collectables, old jazz records and 70s AOR vinyl). However, based on the recommendation of Steve Silver, the host for The Crass Menagerie radio show, I did buy the 324 "Soul Winter" 7" and "Boutokunotaiyo" CD. Man does Steve know how to pick 'em! This is totally insane grind with some of the most titanic drumming you are ever going to hear. Sakata lives and breathes blast beats! You may think you've heard it all before (and maybe you have) but grindcore this intense and fierce never gets old and can't possibly do anything but scramble your grey matter. Everything is well written and the production has that Relapse-style clarity to it (especially on the CD). With all the absolutely amazing grindcore and fastcore coming out of Japan you will understand how immense it is when I say this is as good as anything you are going to find out of the land of the rising sun!
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