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Various Artists Tomorrow May Be Worse (Sound Pollution) By: Jeb Branin

This is the CD re-release of the now classic 4x7" box set compilation. For my money this may be one of the two or three best fastcore/power violence compilations ever. Anyone who doesn't own it on vinyl is doing themselves as huge disservice, but by the same token, for sheer listening convenience everyone ought to get it on CD as well. That way you can slap it in, turn it up and just let the whole thing play from beginning to end (at which time your brain will be complete mush from the non-stop aural assault). Each band spews out between four and seven tunes and every one of them is a barnstormer. The only weak spot on the entire release is the CHARLES BRONSON live set, which in and of itself is great but is significantly marred by the SLAYER soundbytes connecting each song. SLAYER sounds too stupid to even be funny, y'know?
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