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A Perfect Murder Unbroken (Victory Records) By: Jeb Branin

A PERFECT MURDER might just as accurately be called a perfect merger because they are one of the better bands attempting to merge hardcore and metal. They have achieved a stellar blend of the raw angst of hardcore with the punishing precision riffing of metallic death/thrash. They join label mates like DARKEST HOUR, ALL OUT WAR, MARTY A.D., and BURY YOUR DEAD at the forefront of the neo-crossover scene. This is the type of music that should come with a warning that it can only be played in buildings that have had modern seismic upgrades because it's as apt to crack a cement foundation as it is to splinter your skull. I just hope nobody with a weak heart ever is exposed to the intensity on tap here, it could be the last thing they ever experience. Actually, that's not such a bad thing.
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