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Skankin' Pickle Fever (Dill Records) By: Alex Steininger
 After overwhelming demand, Dill Records has brought back a classic for us. "Skankin' Pickle is a mixture of ska, punk, metal, reggae, rap, funk, speed metal, hip-hop, polka, and vaudeville. Six freaks have never had such a good time on stage," is written on the back of this CD. An all new cover graces the front, but the music is still the same. Without further ado, here is Skankin' Pickle's second album...Fever starts off with "The Hussein Skank." It starts out with some tasty horns, and some rock guitar and drums. After a faint spell of craziness the music starts. Beats that will get you up and skankin' are very present on this song. The vocals add a touch of humor as they spit out hilarious lyrics with perfect precision. And the horns are always very pleasent and sweet. "Pseudo Punk" starts out with a little hip-hop meets metal voice, and quickly jumps into the good stuff. Juicy guitars, splendid bass lines, great drums, and the occasional horns that can light up a night sky make this song a great treat. Let's not forget the humor in the song that will get you smiling in no time. But Skankin' Pickle isn't all humor, they can throw in some satire as well, making a serious point with their humorous undertone. "Ice Cube, Korea Wants a Word with You" happens to be my favorite track on this album. It's very addictive. Mike Park adds a terrific feel to the song with his angry, yet soothing, vocals that will overcome any fears you have. "I'm just so sick of hate/or maybe hate is sick of me/but to judge me without knowing me/is such a disgrace," are the words that will blend into your mind and tap all your emotions to the surface. After hearing this song, how can anyone jump on a group of people just because they have festered up a hate for one person in that group? It's beyond me, but if you listen to this song you'll have heightened feelings towards any close-minded shmuck who wants to live his life in a bed of hate. "Skinless Friend," track eleven, brings some energetic punk meets all out craziness into the picture. You can tell the band had fun recording this track, and you'll have fun listening to it. "Hit My Brain" ends the CD with some power funk. With Fever you get the option of hearing Skankin' Pickle with an album under their belt, and the experience truly shows. They put their heart and soul into this album, and it shines through any clouds in its path. If you haven't picked up this album yet, go get it right now. Either mailorder it or try and pick it up at your local store (special order it if they don't have it.) I swear, you won't regret it! Skankin' Pickle's positive, and often humorous, messages will lift your spirits to the sky, no matter what kind of mood your in. I give this album an A. And if you have read this far, your wasting your time. Go get this album!
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