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Enthroned Towards The Skullthrone of Satan (Death Records) By: Jeb Branin

Another black metal band that has risen above its peers to be recognized as one of the 'premiere' acts in the genre. Unlike say, DARK FUNERAL, I can't quite see why this is so with ENTHRONED. Yes they have talent and yes their aggression and speed give them some metallic credibility but they remain too generic and one-dimensional for my tastes. Only a couple of times do the band seem to really break out of their mold and make a statement, although it bodes well for the band that when they do, they are very memorable. Most notable is the tune "Dusk of Forgotten Darkness" wich utilizes a few time changes and deliciously constructed guitar parts. So there is hope. And, of course, there is the consideration that many black metal bands already have two strikes against them in my book because I find the ever-too-prevalent corpse paint and 'evil-is-as-evil-does' approach tedious and trite.
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