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VARIOUS ARTISTS Spanglish 101 - Various Spanish-English bands (Kool Arrow Records) By: Alex Steininger

I like compilations with a good idea behind them, and that is exactly what SPANGLISH 101 is. Bringing together all the artists that make up the "Spanglish" scene--half-English and half-Spanish--this compilation has a goal. And I can respect that.However, one big thing I hate about compilations is the fact that they usually jump around the map so much in terms of genres, that it is hard to get into one style. I mean, when you listen to a full-length by an artist, you're going to get shaken up if the artist differs in styles track to track, but there is always going to be the general genre running through each song. However, with compilations, for the most part, you're going to go from hip-hop to heavy metal. And, for me, it's too hard to get into the hip-hop song when the next track shatters everything the song built for you with some screams and shrills. There were some good songs and bands on here, though. Announcing Predictions' "Born Again" and Bannana Hammock's "Cunado," which was the stand out track on this disc, are among the best. The rest I wasn't able to get into because they were either too heavy and loud (metal oriented), or they didn't have anything that grabbed me. I still like the idea behind the compilation and am glad someone went ahead with it. But the music found on here just didn't intrigue me, except for a few tracks. I'll give this album a D+.
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