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United Distorted Vision (Howling Bull America) By: Alex Steininger

Japan's United rip through metal with intensity, speed, and pure venom. That's not to say they don't throw in some melody here and there, because they do. But, it's all crammed into the background as the shit-kicking, blurry-eyed, skull-ripping metal these guys initiate comes to the forefront and gives you the dosage you need to feel the blood pumping through your body and running wild."Flash Back," "Color," "Who I Am," and "Sick and Angry" are the stand out tracks, though each and every track on this album gets in your face and won't back down. That may be due to the similarity in style and sound of each song, though the band knows they do the singular metal thing quite well, and they just run with it. It isn't bad, it's quite enjoyable, and metal's not my strong suit. Here is a band that knows how to make you break down and cry just by the intensity of their crashing rhythm section, as well as the barbed-wire guitars and splitting vocals. Take some metal lessons from these guys, you could learn something. I'll give it a B-.
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