Amanda Green
The Nineteen Hundreds (Y&T Music)
By: Alex Steininger

Miami's Amanda Green unleashes varying degrees of rock on her second full-length, THE NINETEEN HUNDREDS. From piano ballads to all out electric rockers, Amanda Green and her band's power-pop never leave you unsatisfied."The Zebra Longwing" is a breezy pop number that has you bouncing during points and settling down to feel the melody absorbed in your body. "Sequin" is a rough-edged bar room rocker that is all guitars and pounding rhythms, as is "People," another chance to catch Amanda Green and her band going full blast into the melody-laced bar room raunchy-ness.
"Nothing's Ever Gonna Happen, Is it?" fuses a bit of the blues with some power-pop hiding behind more bar room power. "Heaven Held the World" gives you a chance to hear Amanda laid back as the piano ballad gives her a chance to sing and touch you in the heart, instead of the feet.
There is plenty hear to enjoy. Amanda is versatile and dynamic; her songs are tender and bold, sometimes in the same song, and never fail to give the listener a good time. The album jumps around, true, but it's worth your time to get acquainted. I'll give it a B+.