Doug Sahm
San Antonio Rock (Norton Records)
By: Alex Steininger

San Antonio Rock gives it all to you in one nice looking, complete package. Here you'll find Doug Sahm's early 45's and demos, rarities, unreleased tracks, and rare material featuring Sahm as a sideman.Recorded between 1957-1961, and culled from the vaults of the Harlem, Warrior, and Satin labels, Norton Records has brought the music and memory of Doug Sahm back to life. Eighteen undeniably rocking tracks that will make you shake, move, and groove to the music that made Sahm a legend in Texas - and worldwide -- jump out at you and get your party going with a flare.
Bop to "Sapphire"; go wild to the frantic "Crazy Daisy"; swoon to the tenderness of "Just A Moment"; let it all go on "Slow Down"; and grab a loved one and slow dance to the kiss of "Can't Believe You Wanna Leave."
Doug Sahm & The Mar-Kays' "Sapphire" bops while Doug Sahm with the Spot Barnett Band simmers and shakes. Doug Sahm & The Pharaohs' "Crazy Daisy" is a wild, all out rocker while Doug Sahm & The Knights speed it up even more. And then there is Doug Sahm & The Twisters' "Sapphire," a dizzying dancer.
Sahm earns cult legend status on San Antonio Rock. Blistering groove, dance-able rhythms, and tender moments to get close with, Sahm, no matter what band he's with, controls the stage and delivers Texas rock as it was meant to be. I'll give this an A+.