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RATOS de PORAO Onisciente Coletivo (Alternative Tentacles) By: Jeb Branin

Hot on the heels of what I felt like was an inferior RDP release (the "Guerra Civil Canibal" mini-album) comes "Onisciente Coletivo," a bonafide masterpiece in the large RDP opus. Reminiscent in mayhem, delivery, and outrageous violence to the classic "Carniceria Tropical" disc, this new CD is a roller coaster ride through everything extreme. The Alex Newport production gives it a massive wall-of-sound feel that will have some detractors crying "they've gone metal again" but rest assured, they have not. This is pure thrashcore malevolence. It is a good thing that Brazil has more surface area than any other country in South America, because a sound this big won't fit in anything small.
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