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Churn This Way to the Other Side (Laundry Room Records) By: Alex Steininger
 Churn is a soft pop-rock band, namely Barrett Jones, hailing from Seattle, Washington. And you thought grunge was the only thing dished up in Seattle? No sir, and especially not from Barrett Jones. A true musician in every form of the word. From his enormous production talents, to his great sense of blending meaningful lyrics with a great pop twist, Barrett lets his talents show like the morning sun.Track one starts off with, "It doesn't matter." A very gentle pop tune which relies heavily on vocals to get the music across. Track two, "On the Line," starts off with very mood setting guitars, and then the volume is turned up and the guitars get heavier. A more melodic, slow-medium paced song with more guitar sounds to it, and the vocals get more aggressive. Track three, "So Sweet," is my favorite track on the album. Just vocals and piano. Very harmonious, and composed nicely. Very catchy, and still gentle. It's got a lot of flavor to it, without a lot going on. Track five, "Make It Stick," starts off with some "heavy" guitar for this album. This song is more radio friendly than most on the album. Very catchy, and definitely has top 40 hit potential. Very hooky guitar, drums keeping the beat nicely, and steady bass lines keep this song strong. But it's the vocals and lyrics that make the song that much better. "Let It Go," starts off with piano and drums, and it sets the pace for the whole song. Mix some guitar and bass into it, and you get a relaxing beat that will make you sit still and think. But when the vocals come in your even that much deeper into the mind of Mr. Jones. "Creature," is four minutes and four seconds of the kind of music you would hear during a movie when someone lost a loved one, or just broke up with someone they loved. The piano gives it that sad feeling to it, and brings out your emotions. "Going Home" finishes up this collage of pop driven soft rock sure to please anyone that is a fan of the softer side of rock. Although Barrett Jones is very talented (he produced this album as well), the album often becomes a sleeper. Too much soft rock is not enough to keep you awake. I'll admit, Churn is very talented and composes great songs, but they need to add more interest and grab the listeners attention. I would give this CD a B-. It was nicely produced, strongly composed with a lot of musical talent, but the fact of the matter still remains that it just slipped into a boring coma a little too often.
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