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Bigwig Un Merry Melodies (Fearless Records) By: Alex Steininger
 This four piece melodic punk outfit can play it, and play it well. Thirteen songs, and over thirty minutes of music covering topics like abortion, friendship, love, and of course drinking beer and having fun.The CD starts out with "Old Lady." The chunky guitar and rough vocals start out the song, and then the chorus hits and drafts you into it's world. It makes you become one with the music. The melodic music combines nice with the rough and raw vocals, making a unique sound that is sure to please any fan of punk music. And then near the end it takes a brief trip through the land of pop music, adding a bit of the pop to it. But it ferociously jumps right back into the fast pace you'll come to expect and love. Track four brings us "Cheers." Take a guess at what it is. Done guessing? It's a cover song of the hit comedy, "Cheers." But this time they add a flare to the song. It starts out in a very progressive mode with the guitar progressing and building up to the point that it fly's right into it's fast surroundings that add new life to the song. The rough vocals add a nice touch to song, and the drums add a lot of depth. No matter what, you'll always here the drummer in the back drumming with such love and intensity. You can tell he enjoys his job. Next up is a song about abortion, "Pro Life Taker." The controversial issue, abortion, is brought to the front with this song. They're take on the situation, let the female make the decision herself, and don't try and force your decision on her. They also bring up a great point...if your so pro life why do you go and bomb clinics to kill people, because their views are different? This is a very messed up society we live in, and Big Wig knows it. But all issues and controversies aside, no matter what your take on abortion is you'll enjoy the nice melodic flow of this song that gives you the best of both worlds: hard and fast, as well as melodic. My favorite song on the album, "My So Called Friend," is very melodic, and the vocals are clean and very soothing. The lyrics are strong, and the music is stronger. If all else fails, this song will make you a fan of the music. Hey, but these guys aren't all serious. Take a look at "Carnivore." "I eat a vegan every day/Taco Bell, Micky D's, B.K./I eat a vegan once a day" shouts the lead singer over a nice bed of melodic, fast punk music. But take this song very light hearted. There is a disclaimer next to the lyrics: This song should be taken in humorous light. It does not represent any prejudice on the part of Bigwig toward meat eaters nor vegetarians. It is intended to mock ignorant people who do not appreciate the implications and processes involved in the manufacturing and sale of meat products. However, it is not meant to degrade those who chose to consume these products. Basically, we are choosing to take the middle-of-the-road standpoint on this issue, as statistics show that two out of four Bigwig members do not eat meat. And, if that bothers you, FUCK OFF!!! Thank you. Conclusion, this band can be serious and create interesting music, as well as kick back and relax and still create great music. A band that can go from serious to light hearted is a talented band. This band can do that. If you like melodic punk, fast punk, or are just a fan of good music pick up this CD! I give it an A-.
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