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Blanks 77 Tanked and Pogoed (Radical Records) By: Alex Steininger
 Blanks 77 are a '77 style punk band that will get you pogoing at times, and at other times they'll get you moshing vigorously throughout the crowd. Rough yet understanding, powerful but kind, and angry but understanding are all characteristics that propel this band deep into the hearts of punk rockers across the nation.The CD starts off with "Losing my Brain." Snarly vocals spit out the anthems of life, while the guitar, bass, and drums hammer out the tunes that will keep your ears wide open. These guys are fast and loud, but they still find time to sneak in a few hooks that will get your drooling like dogs. "No One Cares" starts out with some very thick guitar, strong bass lines, and TJ pounding on the drums like his life depends on it. Then the vocals come in and a quick hook is thrown your way. Control is lost, as your body starts jumping around and bounces off walls like your on a Kool-Aid high. Every time Mike Blank spits out the words "No One Cares" you'll find that you can relate to every word he says, yet there is hope in his snarly voice. "I Don't Wanna" starts out with some chunky bass that is sure to drive you mad, and then it calms down while only the drums scream out their noise. Then it's all thrown together. The vocals come on and run through their point that is sure to get you going, "I know how he feels. I feel that same way sometimes." Guess what...everyone feels this way. That's the beauty of Mike's lyrics. He can put words down on paper that everyone can relate to, not just himself. His lyrics may be centered around his experiences with life, and written based on factors that concern him, but the way he portrays them everyone can relate to him. "Suburbia" starts out with some heavy guitar fuzz, while the bass plays on. With lyrics like "Julie was hangin' from the 12th street bridge/her suicide note clenched in her fist/it said sorry things turned out this way/maybe tomorrow will be a better day" Mike paints a vivid picture of how Suburbia life has grown to be. Everyone wants everything to be so perfect, and while their children are dying inside, they tend to ignore them. This creates tension, and soon the kids are forced to take things to extreme and solve problems the only way they know how...drugs and suicide. The CD winds down with "Crash and Burn," the fifteenth track on the album. From every note played on the bass to the fuzzy guitar, you'll be slammed into a jumping frenzy. But soon real life will catch up to you, and you'll realize the CD is coming to an end. But don't worry, good ol' technology has created the repeat button. Blanks 77 spit out anthems that all kids and kids at heart will be able to relate with. Everything they talk about is something you or someone you know has had to deal with. This brings in a real intimate feeling while your listening to the music. I give this CD an A-. Pick up this CD and know that there are others out there that feel the same way you do.
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