Third Eye Blind
Third Eye Blind (Elektra)
By: Caitlin Richling

Whether it's the pop song "Semi Charmed Life" or the hard rocky "Graduate", Third Eye Blind strikes a universal chord with their new, self-titled album.Earlier this summer, modern rock stations were playing the ever-popular "Semi Charmed Life", and, by mid-summer, it was starting to break into the pop music scene. Now it is on the pop stations constantly and has nestled into a comfortable spot in the Top 40. Fortunately, this over-played, but still hot song is not the only thing that 3EB had in store. Modern rock stations have now latched on to "Graduate", another nice tune from the album. One more song worth mentioning is "Jumper". It's a little bit different than the other songs on the but it still rocks.
This album was done live, mostly in one take, so it was a risk. But, in the end, a risk that paid off big.
However, those 3 tracks are the only songs worth listening to. The lead singer's voice gets very tiring and the band lacks variety.
All and all, the CD is probably worth buying just for "Graduate", "Jumper", and "Semi Charmed Life", but don't expect an all-around quality compilation of songs.