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Coal Chamber Coal Chamber By: Ollie
 After hearing the demo tape of Coal Chamber I just couldn't wait for the release of this album, but after a long wait.... i wasn't disapionted one bit! Yes, Coal Chambers self titled debut album is quite brillant, Dez Fafara sings his twisted lyrics in such a fashion its frightening. He screams, roars, whines and shouts in the most amazing way, sometimes you jsut wonder what he's on about, other times you understand him completely, and this is proably what has made me so addicted to this album.The album starts with the explosize 'Loco' and stroms onto the breath taking 'Bradley' which is Dezs real name. 'Oddity' is just amazing as is 'Unspoiled.' 'Big Truck' which is written about Ryna(Coal Chambers Brillant bassist) fear of trucks is a good track, filled with fear and emotion. 'Sway' and 'First' power past a bit of a pointless instrumental follows and then 'I' comes. This song must boast one of THE best lines, 'Oh God Fuck!' Brillant! A few more tracks go past, by this time your mind is confused, exploded, broken and quite simply having a great time. 'Amir of The Desert' is a little, lets say strange, but amusing.So we come to last track, 'Pig' and it is a suitable end to a bloody amazing 40 minutes. Their critics have just said they are a KoRn rip off, and lack imagination, but if you want to get into that argument, then Coal Chamber was around BEFORE KoRn, so thats that sorted! Live Coal Chamber are a bit limited, with only 40 minutes worth of songs the show doesn't go on for too long, but Dez is a born frontman, and has a real presence about him...So I'll sit here and wait for Coal Chambers album, and frankly, I can't bloody wait. Rating 9/10
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