Napalm Death
Inside and Torn Apart
By: Ollie

Its been a while since Naplma Death have released a decent album, their last few offerings have lagley consisted of loud guitars, bad vocals and, well, not a lot more really. But tahst all about to change...Inside and torn apart is quite speacial, if anyone thought metal was begging to become a little soft, or straying from the more traditional styles, then think again!
The opening track 'Breed To Breath' is a masterpiece, as soon as you hear the opening riff, you know this song is going to be something specail, Mark 'Barney' Greenway grunts the first few words, and then you just are overwhealmed by the power and aggresion that is Napalm Death. After reacing the 6th or 7th track, my brain felt like it had, had accident with a extremly large sledge hammer, but by this piont i just didn't care...
Mr Greenway can write lyrics too, hell can he write lyrics! Its not just some of the songs that are brillantly written, its ALL the lyrics, all the guitar riffs, all the little bass fills and every smash of the drums. This has to be one of the best alnums to arrive one the extreme music scene in a long time. Only Entombed and Sepultura can match them for aggression, and frankly Entombed and Sepultura arent all that speacil once you've heared this album...
If you buy the 'speacil edition' case then you are treated to an extra 2 tracks of metal brillance. Buy thsi album, or miss out on a piece of metal history.
Rating- 10/10!!!!!