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I Farm So My Kids Won't Have To. (Creep Records/Crap Records) By: Alex Steininger
 I Farm is a hardcore punk act hailing from Central New York. They play it fast, snotty, and full of energy. But the speed works against them. The songs are way too fast, you can't understand what they are saying. The lyrics are pretty good, but you can't understand them unless you read them, and even then it takes a while to understand what they are saying. The vocals are snotty, and out of control. They go the speed of light. Mix that in with a very snotty, punk rock vocal scream and you don't have much. If they slowed it down and added some melody, they might be golden. But right now they seem very young and immature as musicians. They need to stabilize and work out all the bugs. Hopefully a few more albums down the line, and they will have something. Because lyrically these guys can go from real life truths to humor in moments, which is really a talent.Eighteen tracks fly by you on "So My Kids Won't Have To." The album is powerful and aggressive, and will knock you on your ass with it's strength. Other than that, it needs a lot of work. I'm all for fast beats, but they need to add some melody and slow things down just a wee bit, so people can understand what they are saying. Or, maybe the problem lies in the fact that a lot of times they don't sing, they scream or mumble words very fast. If that was improved, it might be a whole new scenario. If your into the lightning fast punk sound, these guys will tickle your fancy. If not, you may be left unfulfilled. I'll give this album a C.
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