INTERVIEW: Government Cheese
Tommy Womack (Guitar and Vocals)
By: GreenDa481

Question: How long did it take you to write the book "The Cheese Chronicles" about you and Government Cheese?Tommy Womack: 27 months.
Question: Where did you meet the other members of Government Cheese?
TW: College. Skot and I were roommates. He met Billy Mack at a party and Joe and I had classes together.
Question: Which album put out by Government Cheese do you consider your best work?
TW: The eponymous CD from 1991. It's unfortunately sold out.
Question: Did you have any favorite bands growing up?
TW: Kiss first. Then Cheap Trick. Then the Clash. Then the Kinks, Bruce Springsteen, the Stones, Jason & the Scorchers & REM.
Question: Do you work with any other bands?
TW: I do mainly my own thing now, leading other guys through my songs, but I've played guitar for several other bands when they needed somebody. Question: When and where was your first gig?
TW: I think it was a fraternity party in 1982. I played bass.
Question: What is your favorite kind of music?
TW: '60s jangle-pop with good vocal harmonies. Beatlesesque stuff. I can't play it or sing it very well, but it's my favorite to listen to.
Question: Who inspired you musically?
TW: Pete Townshend. Scotty Moore. Brian Setzer is the best guitar player I've ever heard. I can listen to Robert Johnson anytime and never get tired of it.
Question: Are any of your old albums still in print?
TW: I think you can still get the Reptile stuff if you call directly. 615-331-7400. Don't tell them I sent you.
Question: Do you have any words of wisdom for bands that are just starting out?
TW: Stay in school.