Filtering Information
By: Bruno Dias

Whatever you hear, from whoever, whenever, BEWARE!!! More than 99% of the knowledge you have acquired in your entire life was told to you. In the world of Rock we must be even more careful in the "art" of filtering information.Have you ever stopped to think about the long way that an information takes to get to your ears? Oh man, you may be sure it's quite a long way. Considering the fact that it won't stop on you, we can't even imagine how mutilated that information was before it get to you.
What can you do to avoid being misinformed? Simply try to confirm the information from a lot of different sources. The world of Rock can't be ruled by a whole bunch of mother-*&^^%$ gossipers that corrupts info to sell it to the *&^%$# media.
We, the fans, make the rock circus goes round and we only want the *&^%$ truth and if each one collaborates a little, we will sure be able to accomplish a lot!
Keep the rock clean, filter your information!!!