By: Paul Stone

Since this will be my first, of hopefully many, pieces for IN MUSIC WE TRUST I thought it would be a good idea to take the time and explain what I hope to achieve with this section.The number one purpose should be to help people who appreciate skill, quality, and good music, find what they are looking for. Whether it's off a major label, independently released, or on a basement tape, I want you to know about it. I plan to focus specifically on underground material. There will also be a small portion dedicated to older releases which may have been overlooked or missed entirely, called "Past Picks", however, in this issue it will be the largest part, due to a small amount of new material, the sections called for more than one, and simply because hey I'm new at this, so please bare with me.
Most of all, let me know what you think. If you'd like to see certain things, feel free to TELL ME!! I would also love to hear if you like what I'm doing, or if you have any questions or ideas. Plus I'll be looking for material to review, if you have anything recorded, send it in! I accept LP's, EP's, demos, basement tapes, singles, etc... Just send it in to the address at the bottom and I'll check it out. And remember, it is IN MUSIC WE TRUST'S possible to review everything sent to them.
The reviews I'll do doing this month are "Past Picks" and Koncepts' "Project : Ambershine"
Remember, tell me what you think. Your comments are always welcome.
Also...send in that material!! I'll review everything sent to me!
You can send letters, music, etc... to:
Paul Stone
43 Lincoln Road
Sutton, Mass. 01590