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SHOW REVIEW: Fuck/Angry Face Stage Four Theater, December 19th, 1997-Portland, Oregon By: Brooke Helzer
 On the 19th of December I was given an invitation to see Fuck and Angry Face at Stage 4 Theater. They must have really been into the holiday spirit, because as soon as I got there, I was given a handfull of mushrooms, a fifth of rum, and was told to drink up, and enjoy the night. This was all before even entering the building. We were told we were going to have to wait another 20 minutes past the original planned time to get into the show. The crowd started to get rowdy, we didn't want to wait, we wanted to see Fuck! It was actually more like a party with a bunch of friends than a concert. We hung out for the 20 minutes, and then stormed the doors. Just as quickly as we rushed in, we were shoved right back out. By now everyone was starting to mellow out due to the effect of the mushrooms, and the rum was keeping us warm. We were told another 10 minutes, and we could get in. When the crowd was finally let in the mushrooms kept everyone in a good mood until the music started. Angry Face was the first band. They looked like the were going to be quite promising as the first riffs spilled out of the guitarists fingers. All hopes for entertainment were crushed when the front man began to sing. He was like a cross between Tim Armstrong from Rancid with his tongue cut off, and a kid with Multiple Sclorosis. It was bad, really really bad! It was so bad I couldn't stand it, I had to leave. I decided that it would be in my best interest to give my thanks for the drugs, and head home to enjoy my high, and that I did. Maybe next time Fuck will choose a more suitable band to open for them. If you ever have the chance to see Angry Face, do whatever you can to get the hell out of the situation, life is just too precious!
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