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Golgo triSKAdekaphobia (Endless Fight Records) By: Alex Steininger
 Golgo is a ska-punk band from Connecticut. Playing everything fast, hard, and over a bed of danceable ska riffs and loud horns, once these guys start blasting out of your stereo, you know there is going to be some fun.Golgo start the CD off with "Finger Cream." The bass gets everyone in the mood, before the guitar starts to slide its way into the picture. Then the drums hammer their way into the sound, before the whole band quickly jumps into some heavy ska beats. Throwing in various punk riffs on the guitar, the band converts easily from ska to punk and back again. The horns are able to power their way over the thick guitar, adding a nice, lighter feeling to the music. The vocals have a slight punk snarl to them, but not much. They fit well with the music, but they're nothing spectacular. They lack a distinctive quality to them. And the addition of the organ goes nicely in this song. Adding a friendly feeling to the music, it invites you to come dance with them. Pleasant and fun, it still keeps the powerful punk edge to it, giving the listener the chance to dance or mosh. "Camel Clutch," the patented submission hold made popular by the Iron Sheik, lets you know these guys just want to have fun. Kicking the song off with some very danceable ska riffs, and then jumping into some punk with horns, your feet will quickly begin skankin' up and around the area around you. The drums are brutal, keeping everything sharp and loud, while the bassist hammers away at his tool, keeping the music fast and powerful. All the while the guitar and horns add the ska, making sure you have every chance you'll need to dance. "Hip to the West Bank" is another track filled with mayhem, fun, and action. The song starts slow, but progresses into some very upbeat ska that will get you jumping and dancing around. Keeping the punk to a minimum on this one, they instantly put a smile on your face. "No Sam Nod" kicks it off with some jazzy horn lines, and light percussion. But then the horns get stronger and more intense, and then the vocals give the sign for the rest of the band to enter. It plays slow and relaxing ska for about thirty seconds, and then the guitar dives right into screeching punk riffs. It then continues into some fast ska riffs, while the horns blaze in the background. The drums work tirelessly, while the bass does his job nicely. Throwing in punk screams here and there, this song takes you to the edge of intense, and back to the land of dancing within only a few seconds. "50" Booty" is one of the best tracks on this CD. Very infectious, the guitar mixes brilliant hooks with some very fast upbeats. The chorus will take you in and not let you go, while the versus will drive you mad with their brilliantly crafted work. This isn't ska-punk as we know it. It's up tempo third wave ska mixed in with a bit of pop for an added flavor of catchiness. The bass is also tremendous. This song must be a show stopper live. "Sully's Song" appears to be the last song. And with its tight horn lines and driving ska rhythm, it would have made a great ending to a great CD. But wait? An extra track. These guys know how to please a fan. If your tired of sound alike, over saturated ska-punk at this point in the "ska revival," you need not worry. Golgo adds their own personal stamp to everything they do, keeping everything intense and active, as well as innovative and interesting. I'll give this CD an A-. A great CD.
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