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BAND PROFILE: Baltic Avenue By: Mary
 Baltic Avenue--yeah, it's the really cheap property around the corner from boardwalk. This band, however, produces a sound far from cheap. An album full of untraditional songs of love and loss is led by Marc Browne's soothing, deep and sexy voice. You know this new trend in rock where male singers actually have really good voices? I really like it. Marc sings with emotion and grasps the intensity of the intelligent and eruditely written lyrics. His excellent singing and song writing capability is pulled together strongly by the band to capture unique moods with every song. Relating to the life and love experiences we are all familiar to, the album is uniquely rich with anger and wisdom.I definitely recommend checking out this band from Annapolis, Maryland. Their first full length CD, Dog Day Cicada, is available through Fowl Records. Also, joining the mailing list may be worth your time even if you live across the country; random humor and wit helps to advertise the shows--enjoyable even if you could not possibly make it to one of them. Inspired by such greats as Shakespeare and Mozart, the band strives to produce splendiferous music. From the first track on the album, Automatic, the sound is immediately intriguing and captivating. Smoothly developing from soft lyrics and a slow melody to a harder and faster beat, Baltic Avenue's style is well strategized. There are few super catchy tunes on the album; mostly, you are transfixed by the depth, meaning and symbolism of the lyrics rather than on an annoying tune repeating in your head. Molly is an unfortunate story about a girl; "Do your drugs lend a hand in deciding the fate of your chosen path?" I really like the chorus, but the remainder of the song is extremely slow due to the lack of drums. I realize the theme deserves a halt in the commotion and that the evolution of the song is brilliant, but it is still too slow for my taste. The following track, Egophone is an extremely catchy tune and is more upbeat than the rest of the album. The masterpiece of the album, Smoke ends the three-quarters of an hour of brilliance, leaving you in deep thought. The lyrics are metaphorically written to please any English teacher. "But you are so "big" inside that you can't face facts, the little spear of your vanity is dull yet you sling it like an arrow, and you stab away." I give this album an A. It is not often that you are long perplexed by the depth and meaning of the lyrics in a single song, let alone from every song on an album. A good break away from traditional pop music radio songs, it will really give you something to ponder.
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