By: Jen Brown

A few weeks ago a friend of mine decided we were going to go see Limp Bizkit play at a club neat my home town. However, I am not a very big Limp Bizkit fan, but I decided, it would be a night out, I'd have a little fun. As it turns out I was able to spend a few minutes prior to the show with some of the members of the band opening for Limp Bizkit, Incubus. The band was incredibly hospitable to me, allowing my to stay on their air conditioned bus, while the rest of their fans sweated it out in 90 degree weather. As I sipped on my Diet Coke, I learned a great deal about the five person band originating from California.I was able to speak to Mike Einziger, guitar player, and Jose Pasillas, the drummer, for the majority of my time on the brand new Incubus tour bus. Due to the fact that I had never heard Incubus' music, I was anxious to hear it. I assumed that it would be somewhere along the same lines as Limp Bizkit, a hardcore sound. However, I was surprised to learn that I should not expect that sound. Mike explained to me that Incubus was more about playing funky, upbeat, jazzy, electric music, with lyrics portraying positive feelings and a hope for a brighter future. In addition to the drums, guitar, bass and vocals of every other rock band in the world, Incubus, as Limp Bizkit, adds a live DJ to their band to create a crowd shaking sound. DJ-ing for Incubus is Gavin Koppel. During their show I also realized that like bands such as the Violent Femmes and upcoming band Yolk, Incubus likes to break away from the norm with other instruments. Lead singer, Bradon Boyd added the mellow sounds of a Didgerido, an Australian instrument to their set.
When I spoke with Mike before the show, I asked him what artists he felt had the greatest influence on his music. His answer actually surprised me. I did expect to hear names such as Slayer, however, hearing Bjork stunned me. Perhaps if I had been able to listen to Incubus before that night, Bjork would not have surprised me so much. In addition to simply finding the Icelandic artist a great influence, Mike also hopes to someday share a stage with her.
Mike, Jose, and I also discussed what the guys did in their free time, while on tour. In a bus filled with skateboards, SuperSoakers, and movies such as Billy Madison and Top Secret, it wasn't as if I didn't already have an idea. I did learn that while staying in Pennsylvania the band had spent a day at a local lake. The day had been filled with reckless behavior on Jet Skis and Wave Runners. Also, when the members of Incubus aren't able to skateboard, play on a lake, or just aren't in the mood to watch Billy Madison again, they enjoy reading. Many fans tend to be surprised when they learn that their favorite band enjoys reading something other than the latest issue of Guitar Magazine. However, when you actually sit down to think about it, lyrics need to come from somewhere. Especially if the band is like Incubus and writes lyrics with meaning, and thought.
After speaking with the guys of Incubus for a while, we were joined by someone else. Mike told him how they were getting interviewed, and that he should say a few words about his feelings toward Incubus. Now, as I said before I am not a true Limp Bizkit follower, so how was I suppose to know that the man who had just joined us was the idol of almost everyone at that club, Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit? After he was introduced to me, he commented on Incubus, in addition to telling me that he thought the boys were very sexual, he also added that Incubus was an extremely talented band.
At the time of this interview, the band was eagerly looking forward to heading back to the west coast for a few Vans' Warped Tour dates, and then off to Ozzfest '98 to promote their new album, S.C.I.E.N.C.E. Those dates have all already occurred and Incubus' plans for August include a few select tour dates back on the east coast. In the future look for Incubus at a club near you, considering they prefer playing small venues, but yet, not too small.