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Helper Helper [Cassette] (Helper, 25 Thompson St. Apt.6, New York, NY 10013) By: Gary Pig Gold
 Excuse me, but the chorus lyrics of the opening track, "Porcupine," deserve to be reprinted here in their entirety: Porcupine - ow! - no one is sharper than you Porcupine - ow! - I can't get close to you Porcupine - hey! - you're my girl Porcupine, you're alone in the world Yes, it's unabashed, unapologetic genius like this that just shows to go, yet again, how great a combo like REM could be if only their Stipe had a sense of Good Humor, know what I mean? Bonus: another selection, "Marshmellow Dreams," even teaches you, the listener, how to say "sausage" in French. Even Jonathan Richman hasn't done that. Yet.
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