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Skapone Bold New Flavor (Jump Up! Records) By: Alex Steininger

Hailing from Chicago, Skapone plays a mixture of ska, funk, punk, and rap. They even splash in some pop amidst all the chaos. Mixing in a lot of messages about weapons and wars, any political statement they make seems to be drowned out with their 'fun-over-content' playing style. If you listen to the words, their political views are very clear, and very open about the senseless violence our society is filled with, but if you're not reading along with the lyrics everything just slips on by.Skapone keeps their melodies floating around your head with their infectious dance beats gone cheesy ska-rap moves, which fill up most of this album. One minute you've got this tremendous dance going, as you're getting into the songs and just having a ball. Then they pull a gun on your fun and slide into some happy-go-lucky corny style of ska. It's bouncy and fun, I'll give them that, but it's quite annoying. One listen is all I could take of the stuff. Not only was that annoying, but the backing vocals really got to me by the time I was half way through the album. They'll annoy you, but for some reason you'll keep coming back wondering if next time they'll be better. But after several disappointments, you'll give up on them. More of a party band than anything else, if you want some quick, cheesy laughs put these guys on. Otherwise, stay clear. I'll give this disc a C-.
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