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VARIOUS ARTISTS: Accidental Double Homicide Volume 4 -- 2x7" (Satan's Pimp Records) By: Jeb Branin
 This masterful series of comps from Satan's Pimp has turned four and to celebrate the Pimped ones have committed their finest homicide to date. The die cut cover kicks, the multi-page booklet is great, and the art work is totally deranged (as usual). And the music... Well this is one of the best collections of extreme artists you are going to find. Power violence, grind, fastcore, thrash and just about any mind warping genre of harsh music you can name is represented. Many of my favorite bands are on board including: GOB, SUPPRESSION, BENUMB, COMBAT WOUNDED VETERAN, DEADBODIESEVERYWHERE, and NO LESS. Each of the four sides ends with a noise artist and climaxes in an endless loop (no run off grooves --- You gotta love it! You might as well get this now so you don't suck.
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