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Hatebreed Satisfaction is the Death of Desire (Victory Records) By: Jeb Branin

Sometimes I just wanna here pure hardcore with no metal 'pollution' but there are times I wnat to here metal with no hardcore 'pollution' and then there are times I want to hear things like HATEBREED who take countless elements of both and merge them into the harsh mutant often referred to as new school h/c. I don't really care where the genre lines fall and I certainly don't care what other critics have to say about the hardcore to metal ratio of bands like HATEBREED. All I care about is good music, and this, my friends, is good music. Pure adrenalin driven crunch with all the heavy destruction of extreme metal and all the raging fire of great hardcore. Such a fitting moniker this band has since this is the musical representation of dark and bitter hatred. I've never seen HATEBREED live but this is the type of noise that I imagine brings the house down.
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