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VARIOUS ARTISTS Group Therapy -- Late for Session (ODD Records) By: Alex Steininger

On their first release, ODD Records has compiled punk, ska, and hardcore bands from around the world (with the majority hailing from Europe) to give a taste of what music moves them. Although the sound is not always the best, the musicians seem to be giving their all to make the songs fully come alive.I like diversity -- especially in music. But, in compilations it never really excites me. I mean, you get into one sound and the next song is completely different. Then, you wait a few more tracks and the sound you wanted to hear pops back on and by that time you could care less. So, as you sit there and your mood changes, the music keeps pouring out different sounds. That being said, there are also times when I like a diverse compilation. I can put it on and let it spin, absorbing many different sounds without the work of putting in discs, taking them out, and putting new ones back in. This compilation is pretty diverse. A lot of the bands are punk, or have punk foundation, but you'll also find greasy rock bands, hardcore acts, ska tracks, and some other variety thrown your way. The idea behind this compilation -- their debut release -- is a really good idea. However, the bands on here are very raw and inexperienced (for the most part). The majority of them are working on a debut demo, 7" release, etc. The sound is sloppy, under developed, and needs work. And, although there were a few tracks I really got into, the majority were songs in the early stages of life that need re-working. The bands need to spend more time practicing and becoming tighter as a unit. After listening a few times, I got tired of the compilation. It has every intention to be something great, but the songs are sloppy and loose. I'll give this a C-.
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