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Neck Neck/Uncrated Distant Star (Striving For Togetherness/Teenage USA) By: Geoff Melton

My first thought was that those Neck guys sure are productive, because not even a month after I received thair debut disc in the mail, there was another one. When I threw the second one on I realized there had either been a drastic change in style, or as the case would be, these are two different bands with the same name.The eponymous debut from the Astoria NY-based Neck is an impressive collection of complexly structured tunes rooted in hardcore, but with bits of grindcore, Tool-like moodiness, hip-hop and death metal all thrown together with a strong melodic backbone. The superb dynamics and impressively tight musicianship found on Neck bodes well for the future of this four-piece. Quite a contrast from the other Neck, Toronto's Neck crams seven ragged around the edges pop gems into just under thirteen minutes on their latest EP. A little post punk, a little lo-fi, plenty of hooks and always straight to the point, Uncrated Distant Star is a winner.
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