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VARIOUS ARTISTS Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels: Music from the Motion Picture (Maverick Records) By: Alex Steininger

A movie about four friends who are flying high until one of them gets in debt. Now the four of them must pay back the criminal element that their friend is in debt for nearly one million dollars with, or else risk his life. Not the most original plot, but hey, even unoriginal plots can be entertaining. However, with a mediocre soundtrack to back it up, who knows?First of all, nobody should be able to take shots at a compilation that puts The Stooges' "I Wanna Be Your Dog" next to James Brown's "The Payback" and "The Boss." I mean, putting punk and soul/funk next to each other is a grand idea. But with the rest of the tracks not even coming close to the above mentioned three, the whole album loses out. This is the type of movie soundtrack that depends heavily on whether or not you liked the movie. With the added movie clips (seven of the eighteen tracks are short little dialogue snippets), this disc goes hand-in-hand with the movie and doesn't come close to standing on its own. I'll give it a D.
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