Liars Inc.
Superjaded (Food Chain Records)
By: Alex Steininger

Fusing modern rock with some good pop hooks isn't the easiest thing to do. Often, it sounds like another contrived piece of crap that radio will eat up--no substance, generic, and pretty much throw away, bargain-bin material. However, Los Angeles' new band, Liars Inc., pull it off with style. Their sound is power-pop to the max. Highly energetic and strong lyrics to boot, the band should have no problem creating a following with their debut, SUPERJADED.Opening with the highly infectious "Anybody," the band quickly takes control of your surroundings and has you focused on them and their tunes. The song starts out with a crisp guitar and vocals, building the song up for the explosive that is inevitable. Then the drums and bass lightly enter. The crisp flavor maintains itself for a bit before the crunchy explosive pops in your face and the song rocket launches off into some power-pop/rock 'n' punk beats. It stays this way for the rest of the song, with the chorus sending plenty of hooks flying.
"Always" starts off with the rhythm section kicking out some heavy pop grooves with the guitar making chiming in with some fuzzy pop riffs. Then, after coming in and fading out, the guitar comes to stay. The song maintains its steady pace, though now the song is completely electrified with the guitar having a strong presence. The chorus, and overall song, isn't as hook-filled or tasty as the opener, though the vigor the band has is still present.
"I'll Stand In My Own Way" is almost a theme song for the band up until this record came out, and for many people throughout life. The song keeps a steady, mid tempo pace throughout, though the chorus and yelling of "I'll stand in my own way" step the song up a notch.
One of my favorite tracks on the album, "Ankh's Decay," drops the band's "we need to amp it up and rock out" theory. Instead of jumping head first and pounding on their instruments until they bleed, the band tones its down and builds on a steady stream of guitar that seems to be alluding to a more rocking verse, but that never occurs. The band does decide to completely rock out the chorus, with plenty of yelling and loud beats, but even when they do this it's so catchy and melodic, you can't hold it against them.
"Darkest Daze" is another dynamic power-pop ditty that shows the band's power and melodic sense side by side. Pure electric guitars and modern rock cliches, the band still manages to turn the overdone into a catchy song.
Some may think of Liars Inc. as just another band clogging up the modern rock airwaves. And though they may be in some regards, there are plenty of high points on this album for you to look past that and take notice. Good hooks, lots of dynamic rock, and plenty of lyrics. Sure, the band isn't the most original, but they've got a catchy sound that looks beyond that. I'll give this album a B+.