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Today Is The Day In The Eyes Of God (Relapse Records) By: Jeb Branin

About the only thing you can count on from one TODAY IS THE DAY release to the next is that they are going to get even darker and heavier than they were before. Other than that they always are going to surprise the hell outta you - this is a pleasant surprise ming you. While so many bands "develop" and "mature" by exploring a more subdued and melodic sound this band does the exact opposite. With each album they add a brick into a wall of sound that will eventually be impenetrable. They never have been and still aren't a "metal" band in any traditional sense of the word but instead are a band that have taken metal, hardcore and noise rock and twisted it into some almost undefinable new conglomeration of extreme heaviness. Although they sound nothing like them you would almost have to put this band in the same category as NEUROSIS simply because they so completely and utterly defy the norm. It is bands like this that keep a lot of the vitality in heavy music. TODAY IS THE DAY show that a band can push the envelope and still have all the root elements that make them a solidly approachable band... for fans of the extreme at any rate.
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