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VARIOUS ARTISTS White - Nightmares In The End (The End Records) By: Jeb Branin

Yes, this is a label sampler (the second one from The End Records), but unlike most label samplers this baby not only looks backwards... it also looks forward. Most of the songs on this CD have yet to be released and if the previous The End sampler was any indication these are rough mixes that will eventually take a different form. That, of course, makes these tracks unique and certainly worth seeking out even if you are wise enough to plan on buying each CD represented. In addition to songs from such stellar The End artists as MENTAL HOME, AGALLOCH, EPOCH OF UNLIGHT, and NOKTURNAL MORTUM you get detailed notes that includes a label history and discography. This is available at a discount price and I gotta tell ya... the NOKTURNAL MORTUM track is worth about double the price all by itself!!!! If this label and these bands don't excite you then you either have no interest in metal or no clue. Be sure to also check out the label's website. They have one of the best and most complete of any I've ever seen. Plus you can order directly from it.
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