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A.C. It Just Gets Worse (Earache Records) By: Jeb Branin

Over the years I have been a huge A.C. fan. Greatly appreciating the outrage, the humor and even the noise/music created by Seth and company. I relished in an interview I did with Seth where he made fun of me... what could possibly be more A.C.-ish than that? I have even loved the new "musical" direction the band has taken and ranked some recent A.C. records as favorites. The irony is that all these facts contribute to my bitter disappointment in "It Just Gets Worse". Musically it is probably as good as anything Seth has ever done but my "open mind" will only go so far and embrace so much "outrage" and "controversy". There are limits. Not everything is funny. Sexual abuse, domestic violence and rape aren't funny. Racism and Naziism aren't funny. Most of all, attacks on children aren't funny. Yes, there are some classic A.C. style songs ("Tim Is Gay", "Rancid Sucks And The Clash Sucked Too", "Extreme Noise Terror Are Afraid Of Us" and "Chris Barnes Is A Pussy") but for the most part this CD comes closer to being something the MEATSHITS would release. It steps over the line. It is racist, sexist, vile and promotes violence against women, minorities and children. I know by saying this I am falling squarely into the trap A.C. have set. They WANT people to be offended and they WANT people to decry them and their music. Certainly wether or not a long time fan like myself continues to like them or not is irrelevant to Seth. But the flip side of that coin is I don't really care what A.C. or anyone who likes this album thinks either. I DON'T like this CD. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and that includes jaded and cynical A.C. fans. This may simply be a case of Seth pushing the envelope every release and in the process losing perspective on exactly how far he has gone, but that has no bearing on whether or not I have to like this or listen to it. A.C. on this disc are about as funny as the KKK, the National Front or Adolf Hitler. I imagine I am now gay. Bet you could hear my heart break right through your computer screen. You couldn't possibly waste your money more completely than by buying this CD or waste your time any more thoroughly than by listening to it.
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