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Daybreak Frozen Wintered Realms Of My Moonlit Record Collection - 7" [picture disc] (Reptilian Records) By: Jeb Branin

First and foremost I gotta say that a 7" picture disc is an extremely cool way to debut your band. If they had nothing else going for them, this fact alone would make them noteworthy. Fortunately DAYBREAK have A LOT more going for them. Like their sense of humor. Everything from the title track to (my favorite) "I Love Junkies Because They Sell Me Their Records For Drug Money" will keep a smile on your face. Musically DAYBREAK are all over the place. Which is an impressive feat considering that they couch everything in 30 second blasts. They have songs that are pure mince-core with deep growled vox and all. They have tunes that are pure thrash, tunes that are fast yet chugging hardcore, tunes that are grinding, and tunes that are more in the power violence vein. Everything is fast and frantic but also tight and (gasp!) catchy. Everything is also tied together with a distinctive DAYBREAK flavor so you get the diversity the band has to offer but you aren't left feeling like you are listening to a compilation. This is not one of those "We have 20 songs on a 7" because all we can write is second rate blur" bands but rather one of those extremely powerful and focused bands that just happens to write short, fast songs ala SPAZZ, AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED and SAIRAAT MIELET. Another plus for DAYBREAK in my book is the constant jokes at the expense of black metal. If ever there was a genre that needed to learn to laugh at itself, it is black metal. Mark my words. This record is going to be a highly sought after release by a band that has what it takes to turn extreme hardcore on its ear. You want this.
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