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3rd Window Tell Me Why (Self-Released) By: Jeb Branin

I'm such a sucker for female fronted folksy pop rock that my initial reaction to this CD was extremely positive. I was totally sold on the soul searing honesty of the music and the classy quality of the delivery and song writing. Unfortunately, after a few listens I have tempered my relishment a bit. The clunky production drags on the music quite a bit (and I like raw production) and the vocal delivery is somewhat strained. Obviously the talent is there and the singing is dead on as far as key but the execution is a bit halting and timid. I may be totally wrong and forgive me if I am but as a listener I get the impression that this band's experience in the studio is limited and as a result the sound of the CD is limited. This disc will serve as a great demo where the band can showcase their superior song writing and unlimited potential but it is not really a release that is going to be a stand alone product. Considering the band hail from Tennessee they definitely have access to some very skilled producers and top flight studios and hopefully on future projects they can take advantage of this. The best moment on the disc is "In A Crowded Room" since it builds from a passionate (almost funky) rhythm and the band's reservations are lost in the dynamics of the tune.
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