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The Breetles Spooj (Shuss Systems/No Fault Records) By: Gary "Pig" Gold

Chris Breetveld's one-man army bless us all over again with their / his fourteenth - or is it fortieth? album, and as usual it's a multi-faceted, multiple-attack, chord'n'wordplay-heavy pile of plush if plundersome p-o-p.Yes, you'll duly hear Chris playing in your head alongside all of his time-trusted favorites (Messrs. Partridge, Rundgren, even Costello) in this here Breetle's inimitable, Dolby-laden style --and quite frankly the effect can often be that of an out-of-control holiday slide show for - yea assault upon - the ears. Nevertheless, his li'l C&W ditty, "How It Rained", does more than provide a momentary rest from the circus surrounding it: Reserved, focused, and possibly even danceable, this tune especially demonstrates that Chris, if kept away from the Twinkies and Wings albums for a moment or two, is capable of producing musical moments of pure, unadulterated beauty. "I give it a great big seven"!
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