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SPOKEN WORD: Noam Chomsky Free Market Fantasies - Capitalism In The Real World (Alternative Tentacles) By: Jeb Branin

With a clear and calm (one might say "dispassionate") delivery, Noam Chomsky seems to be the antithesis of the radical social activist, and indeed maybe he is. This Chomsky lecture delivered at Harvard University, is not a rallying cry to action so much as it is an attempt at pure education. Chomsky gives his audience a perspective that is "outside the box," that challenges the corporate fed reality as defined by traditional mass media markets by simply looking at free market practices and policies of the United States in a light other than the norm. He is obviously so confident in his ideas that he feels no need to wallow in propaganda or posturing. He feels that the facts speak for themselves and that intelligent people can make up their own minds in regards to the issues at hand if only given a chance to see things in a different light. Chomsky is at times funny and at times dull but his perspective overall is fascinating. A little knowledge of economic theory and an appreciation of current events in 1995 (when this speech was given) will greatly enhance your ability to appreciate what Chomsky has to say.
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