Daycare Swindlers
Testosterosa (Vile Beat Records)
By: Alex Steininger

Hard, fast pop-punk with elements of hardcore, reggae, and ska, the Daycare Swindlers dish up a testosterone-fueled plate of aggressive punk sure to make you want to, at the very least, move.There is nothing ground breaking or earth shattering here; but that isn't what the band is about. They're about getting out there, giving it their all, and just kicking the shit out of the listener with potent pop-punk that is always razor sharp and hard to chew on.
"15 Minutes" sprays you with aggressive drums, explosive bass, and cacophonous guitars and then moves into the punked-up reggae of "Spy vs Spy," before sliding right back into more fierce, edgy pop-punk that owes more to hardcore than it does pop on "Dirt Nap."
The band gets highly political on the hardcore knockouts "Egg's Revenge" and "1/3 Hate." They then make you dance on "American Fist," a ska-induced hardcore chunk of punk and make you sweat and dance even more on the all out ska-punk of "Little Pussy."
Though they may not be anything new, they do what's already abundantly available quite well, giving it a bit of a spin and calling it their own. I'll give it a C.