Fireballs of Freedom
Total Fucking Blowout (Estrus)
By: Alex Steininger

A Total Fucking Blowout is the only way to describe Fireballs of Freedom. Loud, obnoxious rock 'n' roll that makes punk sound weak, they are arguably the fastest, hardest hitting, most chaotic band out there. They make rock 'n' roll cry; punk music run for cover; metal sound timid; and hardcore feel ashamed. Their latest is a jaunt through good times, hearty drinking, and plenty of adrenaline to boot."Don't Take My Freedom" screams excitement. The unrefined, uncontrollable vocals break loose and just start screaming, while the drums punch and kick the shit out of the song, leaving the bass to sweep up the blood and guts with deep, impacting notes. All while the guitars soar off into their own direction, breaking things and starting more fights wherever they wander.
"Sick Again" is a roller coaster ride you'll never forget. Filled with only the rush of going down, rather than making you wait as the roller coaster climbs for the inevitable fall, it just keeps hitting you over and over again.
"Never Going Back" leaves you craving more, as it slows down the pace, making your appetite manifest. But don't think for a minute the band is backing down from their loud, fast, aggressive sound. Slow for them is still hyper fast compared to any other band out there.
What the heck do you call Fireballs of Freedom? They're too rock 'n' roll for punk and too punk for rock 'n' roll? Yet, even if they were to fit into either of those genres, they'd have to break each down and redefine them. Let's just call them a great fucking band. I'll give this an A.