Mitchelle Tanner
Mitchelle Tanner (self-released)
By: Jett Black

Pulling from popular religious vernacular, Mitchelle Tanner weaves spiritually inspiring reflections with the twang of vocals and influence of southern country & western music flair. Painting stories of passion and confidence, reaching back into nostalgic yearnings, hopes and dreams past, Mitchelle entertains the listener with personal insights, detailing revelations of strength and weakness. Repleat with metaphorical tapestries, the lyrics again and again reflect upon the burdens of the past, and relinquishing these in favour of new beginnings, and more ardently faithful and optimistic personal future plans, dreams and goals.1. Dawn of the Night Flyers
The title track to this album, Dawn of the Night Flyers paints an evening of sweet anticipation, incorporating the laughter of children, chimes like the sounds of crystal clinking, enchantments of dreams and fantasies past, wherein Mitchelle harmonises with herself. Reflections upon sleeping alone, solitude, emotions bursting like a dam, a descent into darkness, a retreat from the light of paradise... until somewhere within the journey, "I" becomes "we", and together "we were falling from the sky... flying home."
2. Fair Weather Winds
A return to wisdom and sanctuary, with insights upon daylight, following in the tracks of ancients, hoping for the support of the Fair Weather Winds sweeping away from poorly chosen pathways footprints turning about to retrace and retreat. Expressing gratitude for maintenance of faith, Mitchelle reflects upon the challenges and trials threatening to seduce and defeat the soul.
3. I Feel A Fire
One of my favourite tracks on this album, I Feel A Fire unleashes passions and sensualities, fantasies and the heat of dreams. Unlike most other tracks on this album, this one develops slowly, like a sunset.
4. Into the Deep
Into the Deep refers to the darker side of the soul, the heart of despair. The lyric sheet while encompassing the lyrics of the other songs, cuts short the complete lyrics on this song, though you'll certainly follow along easily as the vocals come through clear and articulately.
The pace comes on like a quickening, with urgency. Rapid inquiries upon the workings between the mind and soul within spiritual torments. The tense pace holds throughout this song. This song leaves the quandry unresolved, yet plays out the puzzling details along the way.
5. Amen to That
Grounding to the root of her support, Mitchelle reassures herself of her spiritual strengths and mandates her spirit to fly onward with faith and conviction.
6. Queen of the Land
Painting a seaside scene of dreams and fantasies of regality, Mitchelle, with child-like certainty, holds her ground and commands her destiny with self-asserted authority.
7. Doors of the World
Finding an inner voice, perhaps her own, Mitchelle makes her way back toward the light she seeks. Hind-sight bringing clarity upon the past and upon the path not taken, she gathers up strength to set forth on a journey promising of greater expectations.
8. Love's Sweet Lies
Bitter sweet memories, regrets and savory satisfactions of seduction and romance once splendid, yet long-since gone down a path of sadness.. torn between these mixed feelings, the heart spins lustfully in the metaphors.
9. Firelight
Reflections upon what was, and what might have been, twsting again with more regrets, and a pensive sense of concern for the road that lies ahead filled with new challenges and mirrors upon firey battles still smoldering, threatening to flare up once again.
10. Wicked
Love's wisdom telling tales of experiences wrought in ignorance until lessons learned leave nothing more than the "good-bye".
11. Baby, Sleep (Lullaby)
Reminescent, somewhat, of a celtic mother's roots upon the power of the elements combining into a sweet lullaby to her child, her lover, to herself. All things have their time for fading, a time for sleeping, a retreat from stress and commitment to anxious care. This lullaby brings a comfort to ease the fears and wipe away the shades that hover in the recesses of the mind.
12. I Feel A Fire (instrumental)
Beautiful, like the vox version, this instrumental carries with it the fading sunlight, the fatigue of oppressive heat, the quititude of a front porch rocking chair unoccupied by more than the refreshing generosity of an occasional breeze. Leaves stirring gently in the trees, curtain flowing with the seduction of desire, poignantly toying with burning memories, yearning torments upon the mind reaching out toward love's labours lost.